Joy of Game Creation: Journey of Growth and Creativity

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私のレッスンを受講されるお子様の中に、ご自分で見つけてきた「コーダキッドのコンクール」にて3位に入賞 を見事に獲得された生徒さんがいます。私は、彼が4年生の頃出会いました。その頃制作した作品は、今回の作品と比較すると、その成長ぶりに目を見張るものがあります。この賞は、私自身が以前に受けた時の賞の感動よりも、それを何倍も上回る喜びをもたらしてくれました。








“Joy of Game Development: A Journey of Growth and Creativity”

Creating games is a joyful journey filled with creativity. Here, I will introduce a journey of programming learning during the summer vacation, where children can make the most of their time and showcase their creativity.

Among the students who attended my lessons, there was a student who achieved remarkable success by winning the third place in the “Coder Kid’s Contest” that he found himself. I met him when he was in fourth grade. The games he created back then were already impressive, but when compared to the project he worked on this time, his growth was truly remarkable. Winning this award brought me even greater joy than the excitement I felt when I received an award myself in the past.

I remember vividly the events of the first lesson. Of course, each student has their own unique memories, but this time, I will focus on him. He surprised me a little. He said, “I want to create a shooting game where you can attach a gun to the shoulder and perform reloads.” It was already quite advanced at that point. The main purpose of my coding lessons is not just for the students to acquire knowledge, but also to encourage them to think and enjoy solving problems on their own. So, I was momentarily at a loss for an answer.

Certainly, it would have been easy to just provide an answer, but by doing so, the joy of self-discovery and insight would be lost, which is essential to the essence of programming. The joy of thinking, approaching problems, and finding solutions through the learning process is indispensable for his growth. Above all, I wanted to convey to him the wonderfulness of learning on his own.

In this way, his initial challenge transformed into a valuable learning opportunity for both of us. It has become an unforgettable joy for me.

Time has passed since then. Recently, what has encouraged me the most is that these events have rekindled his passion for game development, as I can see his enthusiasm and effort when he confronts his previous shooting game idea. I thought to myself, “He has grown.” It was a truly heartwarming moment. The effort he has invested in programming over time will not be in vain. On the contrary, I believe that his experience and learning will be a rich soil for his future game creation.

Lastly, I would like to express my immense gratitude to the parents for their unwavering support. With the love and guidance of parents, children can approach new challenges and thrive with confidence.

The summer days serve as an ideal period for them to move forward with determination. Their hard work and dedication brighten the future of children, allowing them to enjoy the summer days and achieve success. May the memories we create together become treasured treasures, paving the way for their growth and accomplishments.

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